Any experienced VR user will tell you. It is every bit as much fun to watch someone try VR as it is to be in VR yourself. Seeing someone experience that "wow" moment takes even the most seasoned of us back to our first time. It's a moment of pure joy.

VR is now becoming mainstream but to many it remains either a gimmick seen in arcades and theme park rides, or something along the lines of a games console. Here at VR Escape we aim to be an example of VR being used as a tool, not a gimmick. Within a few moments of being in one of our rooms we want you to forget you’re wearing a headset and just play an escape room as you would otherwise do. When the game ends, taking the headset off should feel like arriving back from an exciting journey.

So much of our lives seem to have to have a purpose. We give ourselves so little time to spend just playing games and laughing with people we love. The 2020-2022 period has been a stark reminder that time is precious and at VR Escape, we're offering a chance to spend time with friends and loved ones, doing something that’s utterly pointless…. escaping a dragon…. saving the earth from a giant asteroid… rescuing the sunken artefact… and we think that's what makes it absolutely essential. Pure fun for fun's sake. Moments of joy.

We hope to see you soon.

Craig and the team at VR Escape.

About VR Escape